How To Upload Website Template | Web Design Templates Free Psd

TemplateShare authors can make thousands of dollars per month selling products in our Marketplaces!  Imagine creating what you want, when you want, from the comfort of your own home, making an income whether you’re working or not. Some authors sell stock in their free time as a hobby, some do it to get their name out there, and some are able to make it their full time profession.



Getting started

Becoming an author is as easy as can be.  Just follow these steps and you’ll be on your way to making passive income by selling items!

  • Become a member
  • Read the FAQ’s below
  • Read the authoring tutorial
  • Take the author quiz

Once you’ve passed the author quiz, you’re ready to start uploading!




Q: Do I retain the rights to my own file?
A: Yes, it’s your file. We just provide a venue to sell it.

Q: Can my payment rate ever go down?
A: Nope, your rate will never go down, regardless of sales volume.

Q: Are files reviewed or will you accept anything?
A: Each file goes through a rigorous reviewing process to make sure the quality is top notch.

Q: Can I make more money by selling exclusively with the TemplateShare Marketplace?
A: Yes you definitely can!

Q: Is exclusivity based on the author or the individual file? Meaning, could I sell one file here and sell a completely different one on my own site?
A: Exclusivity is on a per file basis so yes, as long as the files are completely different, you could sell one here and one on your site.

Q: I don’t want to have my files sold with the extended license. Can I opt out?
A: Yes, but there are definite advantages to opting in.

Q: Who is responsible for copyright violations in files I’ve submitted?
A: As the author, it’s your responsibility to make sure you’re not violating anyone’s copyright by uploading your file. If you’re unsure if you’re allowed to use an asset within your file, ask the asset’s owner or a lawyer.

Q: Who determines the price of my file?
A: To keep the marketplaces consistent and prevent undercutting, all files are priced by Marketplace staff.

Q: Am I required to support the files I upload?
A: Providing support is a great way to ensure repeat business from buyers, but no, it’s not required unless the file is actually broken.

Q: What do you do to keep categories from becoming oversaturated?
A: If a category is oversaturated, that just means the quality standards go up. You’ll have to give it a unique spin or make it much nicer looking for it to be approved.